Criminal law: criminal law attorney
For business representatives, criminal law often seems like something they are miles from. However, in practice, it has been proven that a competitive struggle is fraught with a high risk of facing dubious accusations. We are talking about crimes of commercial nature and pressure on entrepreneurs, with threats of real prison terms, seizure of property, and other sanctions. The criminal law practice at Colares ensures reliable protection of business from unjust accusations related to the commercial area. Contact us for a consultation, and we will find a solution even in the most difficult situation.
What is included into the service of legal protection of business in Ukraine?
Lawyers at Colares are always referred to when a good criminal lawyer is needed. Our specialists provide a full list of services for the protection of Ukrainian and foreign legal entities and individuals in the field of criminal procedural law, regardless of the level of complexity of relevant proceedings. We provide the following services:
- audit of business entities for compliance with criminal laws
- verification of lawfulness of the operations conducted by counterparties
- risk analysis for business
- conducting investigations
- protection of interests during pre-trial proceedings, as well as in judicial bodies of all instances
- supporting lawyers during inspections by controlling bodies
- briefing of company personnel on issues related to the procedures of operational actions conducted in the company or within framework of criminal proceedings
Criminal law: particularities
The criminal lawyer at Colares is mainly working with the clients who have suffered as a result of being accused of commercial crimes. Illegal search, seizure of property, obstruction of business, detention – all this is the focus of work for our lawyers. Our task is comprehensive protection of the clients’ interests and restoration of justice. The range of the company’s services in the field of criminal law is based on many years of expertise in this field. Our specialists are able to provide high-quality assistance in resolving disputes within framework of criminal proceedings, as well as mitigate risks related to this field of law.